Google Ad Safety Report: Google removed more than 5.2 billion ads

Google Ad Safety Report
Google Ad Safety Report
Google Ad Safety Report

Google debuted its Ads Transparency Centre, which enables users to discover more about the advertisements they encounter on Search, YouTube, and Display.

On Wednesday, Google revealed its Ad Safety Report for 2022, in which it stated that it eliminated 5.2 billion ads, placed restrictions on more than 4.3 million ads, and suspended over 6.7 million advertiser accounts. According to the report, Google prevented ads from appearing on over 1.57 billion publisher pages on more than 143,000 publisher sites, which is a significant increase from the 63,000 sites in 2021
The annual Ad Safety Report for 2022 released by Google reveals that the company removed more than 5.2 billion ads during the year. The report also mentions that over 4.3 million ads were restricted and more than 6.7 million advertiser accounts were suspended. Additionally, Google blocked or restricted ads from appearing on over 1.57 billion publisher pages across 143,000 publisher sites, which is a significant increase from the previous year.
Google’s Ad Safety Report provides an overview of the company’s efforts to maintain a safe and trustworthy advertising ecosystem. The report includes details about Google’s policies, processes, and technology used to detect and remove ads that violate its policies, such as ads that promote illegal products or services, misleading or deceptive ads, and ads that violate user privacy.
In 2022, Google continued to invest in its technology and workforce to improve ad safety. The company used machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify and remove problematic ads, and it expanded its policy coverage to include new areas of concern, such as COVID-19 misinformation and political ads. Google also worked with external partners, industry groups, and government agencies to collaborate on ad safety issues.
The report shows that Google’s efforts have resulted in significant progress in reducing harmful ads. For example, the number of ads removed in 2022 represents a 27% increase over the previous year. Google also improved its ability to detect and remove ads on non-Google platforms, such as YouTube and Google Play.
Overall, the Ad Safety Report demonstrates Google’s commitment to maintaining a safe and trustworthy advertising ecosystem for users, advertisers, and publishers.
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