On the occasion of “Bhaasa Manyata Diwas”, Chief Minister Shri Prem Singh Tamang recalled & recognized the significant efforts of former Chief Minister Lt.Shri Nar Bahadur Bhandari and former MP Smt.Dil Kumari Bhandari.
“They led the Nepali language recognition movement for years until it was officially acknowledged in 1992.Their unwavering commitment truly defined the struggle for language recognition”, said the Chief Minister while addressing the gathering here at Chintan Bhawan today.
Furthermore, he highlighted how the movement, initiated by Anand Singh Thapa in 1956, concluded on August 31, 1992, when the President signed the inclusion of language’s to be listed the Constitution of India.
This achievement was marked by the passage of the recognition in both houses of Parliament in 1992.
Stressing on the significance of this day, Chief Minister said that it serves as a festival to be cherished where our Members of Parliament can address the legislature in Nepali language.
Therefore, people should develop an inherent understanding that this day, as well as others like it, holds great significance to the public, he added.
Chief Minister then highlighted of building a hall at Nepali Sahitya Parishad Bhawan including a Nepali TV channel from Sikkim in strengthening and promoting Nepali language.
Visuals Of Event , 20 Aug 2023
Chief Minister, Shri Prem Singh Tamang graced the celebration of the 32nd Nepali Bhasa Manyata Diwas, organised by Nepali Sahitya Parishad, Sikkim, at the conference hall of Chintan Bhawan, on Sunday. Addressing the gathering, the Chief Minister extended greetings to the people of Sikkim and others across the world who adore and speak Nepali language.
The Chief Minister also paid tribute to Lt.Shri Nar Bahadur Bhandari, former Chief Minister and his wife Smt. Dil Kumari Bhandari, former Member of Parliament, and all other luminaries who devoted their effort and time for the great campaign to include Nepali language in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
The Chief Minister emphasised the importance of respecting languages of all communities and urged the younger generation to develop respect, love and interest for language, literature, culture, and heritage.
Further, he advised everyone to continue working in their respective sectors while always prioritizing secularism and harmony among different communities.He also encouraged everyone to build an environment that encourages linguistic diversity which sustains on acceptance and respect.

Similarly, he suggested giving priority to native languages in order to improve communication within local communities. He stated that educational institutions should acknowledge the value of language, culture, and tradition in society.
The Chief Minister vowed to support all the ethnic groups in the state to protect their culture and preserve their history. He encouraged everyone to work together and cooperate with the state administration for the development of each community.
Furthermore, the Chief Minister commended the guest speaker’s suggestion to establish a Nepali television network that would broadcast programmes showcasing the traditions and customs of all ethnic groups. He suggested constituting a committee with Sikkim Nepali Sahitya Parishad to provide ideas in this regard.
In his concluding address, the Chief Minister announced plans to construct a hall at the premises of Nepali Sahitya Parishad, which will help to organise meetings and programmes in the years to come.
The programme had the presence of Cabinet Ministers, MLAs, Former Ministers and MLAs, Advisors, Chairpersons, Political Secretary to HCM, Zilla Adhakshya, East, Deputy Mayor, GMC, Councillors, Press Secretary to CM, Government officials, dignitaries, members of Nepali Sahitya Parishad, representatives from different community organisations, Professors, Teachers, Students, Naumati Baja Troupe from Tumin Lingee, and local gentry.
Earlier, the programme commenced with a welcome address delivered by Shri Hari Dhungel, President, Nepali Sahitya Parishad. He welcomed the august gathering and expressed gratitude to them for their presence.
Additionally, he extended salutations to the late former Chief Minister, Lt.Shri Nar Bahadur Bhandari, in recognition of his efforts to safeguard language and culture.
He also expressed gratitude to former member of parliament Smt. Dil Kumari Bhandari for her tireless work, immeasurable commitment, and dedication in securing the inclusion of Nepali Language in the Indian Constitution’s Eighth Schedule.
The president also urged the younger generation to unite and work for the preservation and advancement of their respective culture and languages.
Shri Dhungel also emphasised the importance of valuing one’s traditional attire and ethnic food.
Likewise, the guest speaker from Kalimpong, Shri Subash Sotang, presented a brief discourse on Nepali Language Movement: Talk on History and Achievement.
He stated that all individuals should be proud that Nepali language is included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of the country.
We must respect this significant day and recognise the commitment and achievements of poets, authors, readers, and lovers of language, literature, and culture who have helped to promote Nepali language, the speaker added.
On the occasion, letters of appreciation were presented to Shri Raj K. Shrestha, Shri Sanu Lama,Lt. Shri Sanubhai Sharma, Shri Pradyumna Shrestha, Shri Kuberchandra Dahal, Shri B. K. Roka, Shri Chudamani Khatiwada, Shri Parasmani Dangal, and Shri Rudra Paudyal, in honour of their unwavering commitment to upholding the preservation, protection, and advancement of language.
The appreciation letters were presented by Chief Minister, Shri Prem Singh Tamang, and other dignitaries present.
Likewise, the certificate of appreciation was presented to Secretary to CM, Shri S.D. Dhakal, for being nominated as the coordinator of Nepali Language Consultation Committee.
During the felicitation ceremony, letters of appreciation were also presented to Dr. H.P. Chhetri, Shri Raj K. Shrestha, and Shri Bhupendra Adhikari,for their significant contribution to the establishment of the ‘Life Size Statue’ (Purnang Salik) of Adikavi Bhanubhakta Acharya in Gangtok.
The committee also commended and felicitated the members of the Mellidara Payong Gram Panchayat Unit under Namchi District for initiating measures to safeguard and promote Nepali literature.
Similarly, the committee also felicitated a student from Sikkim Central University, Shri Ratan Rai, and honoured him with the ‘Prem Lall Smriti Shaikshik Puraskar’ for obtaining highest scores in Nepali subject during the Final Semester Examination of 2022.
On the occasion, Shri Praveen Rai Jumeli, a writer, was presented with the ‘Kanchenjunga Agam Smriti Puraskar’.
Additionally, the Chief Minister and other guests launched new book releases at the event.
Ms. Sabina Rai and Shri Amir Bhandari performed the poem recitation earlier in the programme.
The programme concluded with the words of thanks proposed by Press and Publicity Secretary, Nepali Sahitya Parishad, Sikkim, Shri Joseph Lepcha.
Gangtok, August 20 (IPR)