Pakyong , 9 Dec : In a groundbreaking discovery, a Royal Bengal Tiger was recently spotted at an astonishing elevation of 3,640 meters (11,942 feet) in the Pangolakha Wildlife Sanctuary, Sikkim. This observation sets a new record for the highest-elevated tiger sighting in India, highlighting the adaptability of these majestic creatures.
The BNHS team, as part of the “Conservation and Use of Five Wetlands in three Himalayan States” project, captured this remarkable moment during a biodiversity assessment. This project, supported by the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change, focuses on safeguarding wetland sites in Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, and Sikkim.
Situated at the tri-junction of Sikkim, Bengal, and Bhutan, the sanctuary’s unique location underscores the significance of preserving its pristine habitat amid rising tourism pressures. Dr. P. Sathiyaselvam, Deputy Director & Head of Wetlands and Flyways Programme at BNHS, stressed the importance of cooperation from all stakeholders to ensure the area’s conservation.
The tiger’s presence in this region may indicate a corridor linking the higher ranges of the sanctuary to the forests of North Sikkim from Bhutan. To deepen our understanding of tiger movement in the high-altitude Sikkim Himalayas, further long-term intensive monitoring studies are considered essential, as suggested by Atharva Singh, the BNHS scientist involved in the survey.
The study’s success owes much to the unwavering support of the Sikkim State Forest Department, which tirelessly monitors the challenging terrain. This collaboration has not only led to the first tiger sighting in Sikkim but also contributed to the broader goal of conserving these critical habitats.

Acknowledging the efforts of the BNHS team, including Atharva Singh, Suryamol Sukurmaran, Himadri Mondal, Raju Jairu, Amrit Kumar Gurung, Krishna Sharma, Lakpa Sherpa, and Baleshore Thapa, the survey underscores the vital role played by individuals like PWLS Range Officer Mr. Roshan Tamang.
Spanning 128 square kilometers, the Pangolakha Wildlife Sanctuary stands as Sikkim’s largest wildlife sanctuary. Nestled in the East Sikkim district and connected to Bhutan’s forests and Neora Valley National Park in West Bengal, the sanctuary shelters a diverse array of species, including Red Pandas, Snow Leopards, Himalayan Muskdeer, Himalayan Goral, and Himalayan Black Bears.
Through ongoing collaboration with the Sikkim State Forest Department, BNHS remains dedicated to monitoring these eco-sensitive habitats, emphasizing active community participation. Together, they strive to protect the rich biodiversity and delicate ecosystems of Sikkim’s extraordinary wildlife sanctuaries.