The Government of Sikkim is hereby pleased to bring into effect a mechanism fo be known as “Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System”, as declared by the Chief Minister, Government of Sikkim during his “Janta Bhet Karyakram”.
- District Administrative Centre, Sub-Divisional Administrative Centre, and Block Administrative Centre will be put in place the Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System to make administration more responsive to the grievances of the citizens.
- The Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System will be operated from 9 am to 5 pm in the respective Districts, Sub-Division and Block Centre. The Centres will receive the following issues of service delivery for redressal namely.
(i) Matters relating to nonreceipt of benefits under the various Government Schemes;
(ii) Delay in getting various kinds of documents such as COI, Marriage Certificate, Caste Certificate, Unemployment Certificate, Disability Certificate, Birth & Death Certificate, Land Parcha etc.
(iii) Issues related to Chief Minister Swasthya Subidha Yojana Scheme;
(iv) Issues related to Old Age Pension, Disability Pension, Scholarship and any other benefits of the Government of Sikkim;
(v) Erratiuc supply of electricity, water supply, waste management, repair of roads and any other Government related services.
(vi) Any issues related to an individual citizen.
3. The Public may submit their application of grievance in hard copy at the designated Centre in Districts, Sub-Division and Block along with their contacts details, email address and mobile number. The applicant will be furnished with the acknowledgment receipt of grievances application by the Nodal Officials as per the prescribed format.
4. District Administrative Centre, Sub-Divisional Administrative Centre, and Block Administrative Centre will mandatorily display in the conspicuous places the list of documents required to enclose with the grievance application.
6. The Nodal Officials will compile all the grievances applications on day-to-day basis and forward to the Chief Minister’s Office in weekly basis preferably on Monday. The Chief Minister’s office will address to resolve the grievances.
7. The software application and mobile application for the Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System will be developed within a month by IT Department to enable the general public to submit their grievances electronically.
Attached Below Office Memorandum 1, 2