Gangtok, April 14 (IPR): The 133rd birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Dr BR Ambedkar was celebrated at the premises of Sikkim Legislative Assembly, Gangtok today. The function was organized by the Social Justice and Welfare Department (SJ&WD) in coordination with All Sikkim Scheduled Caste Welfare Association (ASSCWA).
Governor Shri Lakshman Prasad Acharya graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Chief Minister Shri Prem Singh Tamang was present as the guest of honour.
The function was also attended by Mr Balaram Pandey, Zilla Adhakshya Gangtok, Ms Tshering Palden Bhutia, GMC Deputy Mayor, Mr VB Pathak, Chief Secretary, Mr AK Singh, Director General of Police (DGP), Mr R Telang, ACS Home Department, Heads of various Departments (HoDs), Former MLAs, Commissioner GMC, DEO-cum-DC Gangtok, Senior SP Gangtok, President, General Secretary and members of ASSCWA and officers of the state Government.
Paying homage to the architect of the Constitution, Governor Shri Lakshman Prasad Acharya offered floral tributes to the statue of Dr BR Ambedkar along with other dignitaries. This was followed by lighting of the ceremonial lamp with chanting of ‘mantras’ by Buddhist monks. The welcome address was presented by Ms Sarika Pradhan, Secretary, SJ&WD.
During the programme, the biography of Dr BR Ambedkar was presented by Mr KB Gadaily, ASSCWA. Similarly, a magazine called ‘Bhim Chetna’ was presented by Mr Bikash Sunam, President, ASSCWA and released through the hands of the Governor and the Chief Minister. The vote of thanks was presented by Ms Prena Darnal, ASSCWA member.
It may be noted that keeping in mind the ongoing Model Code of Conduct(MCC) in relation to the upcoming General Elections 2024 to Lok Sabha and Sikkim Legislative Assembly, the program was conducted strictly adhering to MCC rules and regulations.
Report from DIO, Gangtok