In a shocking incident that shook the community of Samdong under Gangtok Police Jurisdiction, a young man identified as Risab Rai, aged between 20-21 years old, has surrendered himself to the local Panchayat after committing a brutal murder. The deceased is identified as a middle-aged man hailing from Nepal, aged between 42-43 years old.
According to reliable sources, the accused unleashed a horrifying attack on the victim using a ‘Khukuri,’ a sharp wedge knife commonly found in the region. The attack was carried out multiple times, inflicting severe injuries on the victim. Subsequently, in a shocking display of violence, the accused also resorted to stoning the victim multiple times, leading to the victim’s tragic death.
Following the gruesome act, the perpetrator chose to surrender himself to the local Panchayat. This decision has left the community in astonishment and seeking answers to the motives behind such a heinous crime.
Meanwhile, law enforcement authorities have initiated a search for the weapon used in the crime, the Khukuri, to gather crucial evidence in the ongoing investigation.
The incident has cast a dark cloud over the peaceful town of Samdong, and the local authorities are working diligently to ensure justice is served. As the investigation unfolds, the community is left grappling with the shocking loss of a life and the reasons behind such a brutal act.