The question of God’s existence has been a subject of contemplation and debate throughout human history. For many, the belief in a divine power, an omnipotent Creator who governs the universe, is a fundamental aspect of their faith. However, there are others who reject the notion of a higher power, contending that there is no evidence to support the existence of God.
Skeptics often argue that since God cannot be physically perceived, His existence is questionable. Their reasoning is based on the premise that what cannot be seen or scientifically proven cannot exist.
In response, believers counter with a thought-provoking question: “Can you see your own understanding?” Just because we cannot visually perceive abstract concepts, like thoughts or emotions, does not mean they do not exist. Similarly, the inability to see God does not necessarily negate His existence.
Before delving further into the argument about whether God exists, it’s essential to define what is meant by ‘God.’
According to spiritual teachings, particularly those from enlightened individuals with profound wisdom, every living being possesses a soul, and this soul is, in fact, a manifestation of God. Thus, God is not a distant entity but rather exists within every living creature, whether visible or invisible. From the smallest insect to the largest mammal, from the simplest plant to the most complex human, God’s presence is intrinsic to all forms of life.
God, in this understanding, is not a separate being but an omnipresent energy within all living things. This divine energy is what gives life the ability to grow, evolve, and experience emotions. For instance, a seed can sprout and grow into a plant when placed in water, but a stone remains unchanged no matter how long it is soaked. The distinction lies in the presence of life, or God, within the seed and the absence of it in the stone.
God’s presence can be detected through the simple acts of growth and sensation. Take, for example, an ant that scurries away when it senses danger—this ability to perceive and respond is an expression of God within. On the other hand, inanimate objects, such as a table, do not grow or react because they lack this divine energy.
While we can observe the physical forms of living beings with our ordinary vision, recognizing the eternal presence of God requires what is known as ‘divine sight’—a deeper spiritual perception that comes with self-realization. Until one attains this realization, their understanding of God may remain incomplete.
The potential to perceive God exists within every human being, but it requires the guidance of a spiritually enlightened teacher, a Living Gnani, to awaken this divine awareness. Through their grace and wisdom, the knowledge of the Self can be imparted, allowing individuals to truly comprehend the essence of God in all living beings.