Gangtok Sadar Police have arrested a 35-year-old father for raping his 7-year-old stepdaughter in Syari on Tuesday. A neighbor woman reportedly heard a child crying uncontrollably in the room across from the rented house. When she arrived and opened the door, she was shocked to see a father and child in the room, of which the father was naked. The woman immediately called for assistance from those in the area, saved a child, and apprehended the father with local support. According to the report, the accused is from Pedong, West Bengal, and has been renting a home there. The victim minor has been sent to STNM Hospital Gangtok for medical treatment, and the accused father has been arrested under the POCSO Act.
To mention here, that a similar case involving a minor who was allegedly raped by a middle-aged person who is still untraceable surfaced from Temi, South Sikkim, under Namchi’s jurisdiction just a day earlier.
Public anxiety over children’s safety has been sparked by a string of heinous crimes against minors that have been reported from Sikkim.